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J. Radiat. Prot. Res > Volume 40(4); 2015 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 2015;40(4):211-215.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2015.40.4.211
방사선비상시 내부피폭 신속 분류를 위한 휴대용 NaI 검출기의 계측효율 전산모사
하위호1,2, 유재룡1, 윤석원1, 박민정1, 김종경2
1한국원자력의학원 국가방사선비상진료센터
2한양대학교 원자력공학과
Simulation of Counting Efficiencies of Portable NaI Detector for Rapid Screening of Internal Exposure in Radiation Emergencies
Wi-Ho Ha1,2, Jaeryong Yoo1, Seokwon Yoon1, Min Jung Pak1, Jong Kyoung Kim2
1National Radiation Emergency Medical Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences
2Department of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University
Correspondence  Wi-Ho Ha ,Email: lovin@kirams.re.kr
Received: August 28, 2015; Revised: November 16, 2015   Accepted: November 16, 2015.
In case of radiation emergencies, radioactive materials released into environments can cause internal exposure of members of the public. Even though whole body counters are widely used for direct measurement of internally deposited radionuclides, those are not likely to be used at the field to rapidly screen internal exposure. In this study, we estimated the counting efficiencies of portable NaI detector for different size BOMAB phantoms using Monte Carlo transport code to apply handheld gamma spectrometers for rapid screening of internal exposure following radiological accidents. As a result of comparison for two counting geometries, counting efficiencies for sitting model were about 1.1 times higher than those for standing model. We found, however, that differences of counting efficiencies according to different size are higher than those according to counting geometry. Therefore, we concluded that when we assess internal exposure of small size people compared to the reference male, the body size should be considered to estimate more accurate radioactivity in the human body because counting efficiencies of 4-year old BOMAB phantom were about 2.4~3.1 times higher than those of reference male BOMAB phantom.
Keywords: Radiation emergency, Internal exposure, Gamma analysis, NaI detector, Counting efficiency
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