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Optimization of Radiation Protection Using Markov Model
Chung, Jin-Yop;Lee, Kun-Jai;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):1
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Dosimetry of $^{222}Rn$ Component in Outdoor Natural Background Radiation
Jun, Jae-Shik;Oh, Hi-Peel;Chae, Ha-Suk;Lee, Byung-Young;Kim, Do-Sung;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):10
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Calibration of CR-39 for Measurement of Radon in Air
Park, Y.W.;Chang, S.Y.;Ha, C.W.;Ro, S.G.;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):18
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Measurement of Radon and its Daughters Concentration in Air
Park, Y.W.;Ha, C.W.;Ro, S.G.;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):23
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Generation of Group Constant of Fission Product for Criticality Analysis of Spent Fuel
Shin, H.S.;Choi, B.I;Park, J.M.;Ro, S.G.;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):30
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A Technique for Reactor Water Chemistry to Reduce Radioactivity Build up
Lee, Yong-Woo;Kim, Hong-Tae;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):37
45 |
Compositional Qualification of Radiation Protection in Neutron Radiotherapy Room with KCCH Cyclotron
Yoo, Seong-Yul;Cho, Chul-Koo;Koh, Kyoung-Hwan;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):45
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Neutron Dosimetry and Monitoring in the Radiation Environment
Nakamura, Takashi;
J Radiat Prot. 1989;14(2):51