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Radioprotective Effect of Extracts from Plants Indigenous to Korea
Kang Kyoung-Ah;Zhang Rui;Chae Sung-Wook;Piao Mei Jing;Shin Tae-Kyun;Lee Nam-Ho;Park Jae-Woo;Hyun Jin-Won;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(3):115
123 |
Development of the ZnS(Ag)/BC-408 phoswich detector for monitoring radioactive contamination inside pipes
Kim, Gye-Hong;Park, Chan-Hee;Jung, Chong-Hun;Lee, Kune-Woo;Seo, Bum-Kyoung;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(3):123
129 |
Development of a TL pellet based on $CaSO_4:Dy$ for Neutron Measurement
Yang, Jeong-Seon;Lee, Jeong-Il;Kim, Jang-Lyul;Kim, Bong-Hwan;Sou, Dong-Sup;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(3):129
135 |
Potential Errors in Committed Effective Dose Due to the Assumption of a Single Intake Path in Interpretation of Bioassay Results
Lee, Jong-Il;Lee, Jai-Ki;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(3):135
141 |
Survey of radioactive contamination in imported foodstuffs
Lee, Wan-No;Lee, Haeng-Pil;Chung, Kun-Ho;Kim, Hee-Reyoung;Cho, Young-Hyun;Choi, Geun-Sik;Lee, Chang-Woo;Chung, Hyung-Wook;Lee, Eun-Ju;Sho, You-Sup;Lee, Jong-Ok;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(3):141
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An ionization Chamber for a Steel Sheet Thickness Measurement
Kim, Han-Soo;Park, Se-Hwa;Kim, Yong-Kyun;Ha, Jang-Ho;Cho, Seung-Yeon;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(3):149
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Research on Measurement Condition Establishment of a Liquid Scintillation Counter System
Park, Eung-Seop;Han, Sang-Jun;Lee, Seung-Jin;Kim, Hee-Gang;Lee, Na-Young;Mun, Ji-Yeon;
J Radiat Prot. 2006;31(3):155