Received: April 8, 2002; Accepted: December 13, 2002.
Total absolute detection efficiencies of a 7.62 cm(dia.) and 7.62 cm(height) cylindrical NaHTl) crystal have been calculated for 0.412 MeV γ -rays from a source(point, circular disk, square and line type). In this calculation the linear energy-absorption coefficients based on Hubbell's data have been considered and then calculated total absolute detection efficiencies compared with those from Grosjean and Bossaert. Besides, the source axis-to-detector axis shift distance whid, could give rise to about 0.05 % deviation in the total absolute detection efficiencies has been calculated for a line-type source of 0.5 cm in its length when a source-to-detector distance is 5 cm.
It is revealed that the total absolute detection efficiencies obtained in this study are considerably different from those of Grosjean and Bossaert. In addition it is found that the deviation induced due to an imperfect center of a iine ·type source may be within 0.05 % if the shifted discrepancy is no larger than 1.74 mm.