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J Radiat Prot > Volume 27(4); 2002 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2002;27(4):207-215.
고리 및 영광 논토양에 대한 137Cs의 모의 사고 침적시 토양-벼 전이계수
최용호, 임광묵, 박효국, 최희주, 이한수
Soil-to-Rice Transfer Factors of 137Cs after Simulated Accidental Depositions onto Kori and Yonggwang Paddy Soils
Yong-Ho Choi, Kwang-Muk Lim, Hyo-Guk Park, Heui-Joo Choi, Han-soo Lee
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Received: April 29, 2002;  Accepted: October 8, 2002.
Undisturbed soil blocks were taken into culture boxes from 11 paddy fields within 5 km radii of Kori and Yonggwang NPPs and carried to a greenhouse where 137Cs was applied to the surface of standing water before rice transplanting and during its growth. Transfer factors (m2 kg-1-dry plant) of 137Cs applied before transplanting varied with soils by a factor of about 8. The mean was 1.1 X 10-4 for hulled rice seeds and 2.7 x 10-4 for straw without significant regional differences. The 137Cs applications at the early tillering stage and booting stage resulted in, on the whole, 2~3 and 15~30 times, respectively, higher transfer factors than the application before transplanting. A positive correlation was found between soil organic matter and transfer factor. Generic values of transfer factors were proposed for an acute accidental deposition of 137Cs onto Korean paddy fields in different times of the year.
Keywords: paddy soils, Kori, Yonggwang, 137Cs, accidental deposition, rice, transfer factor
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