Correlation Between Exposure Rate and Quasi-Effective Energy of Natural Radiation in Japan -TLD Application-
Nakajima, Toshiyuki;
The quasi-exposure rate and the quasi-effective energy of the natural radiation in the field at 47 monitoring points around nuclear power plants have been studied with the pair filter thermoluminescence dosimeter system. The results of the six years observation showed that the relationship between the quasi-exposure rate $X_q$, and quasi-effective energy $E_q$ can be represented as a hyperbolic function: $X_q=A+C/(E_q-B)$, where the constants A and B correspond to the quasi-exposure rate of cosmic-rays and the minimum quasi-effective energy of natural radiation, respectively. Furthermore, the constant A is in close agreement with the values obtained by using ionization chambers and scintillation detectors. The constant B is approximately 0.68 MeV, closely corresponding to the mean energy of the photons emitted from natural uranium.