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J Radiat Prot > Volume 13(2); 1988 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1988;13(2):21-0.
TLD를 이용한 X-선 수중 흡수선량 측정 및 해석
Measurement and Analysis of X-ray Absorbed Dose in Water Phantom using TLD
Oh, Jang-Jin;Jun, Jae-Shik;Hah, Suck-Ho;Kim, Wuon-Shik;Hwang, Sun-Tae;
Absorbed dose in water was analyzed by Burlin's general cavity theory for medium X-ray energy region (HVL : 0.29, 0.84, 1.60, 2.62mm Cu) using LiF : PTFE TL dosimeter(0.4 mm ${times};{phi}$ 12.5mm, hot-pressed LiF TLD-700) which was enclosed in lucite capsule. The absorbed dose rate at 5cm depth in water phantom was determined with measurement error of ${pm}5%$. This result was compared to that of the ionization method, indirectly absolute measurement method, of which measurement error of ${pm}2%$. The difference between these two results lies within measurement error of LiF : PTFE method. Therefore, the absorbed dose in water obtained by LiF: PTFE is reliable, and this result suggests the base to estimate dose-equivalent for medium X-rays.
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