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J Radiat Prot > Volume 13(2); 1988 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1988;13(2):52-0.
수중 방사능 측정시 이온교환농축법과 증발건조법의 비교
Comparison of the Ion-exchange Method and Evaporation Method for the Detection of Radioactivity in Water
Ji, Pyung-Gook;Park, Chong-Mook;Ro, Seung-Gy;
An ion-exchange method for the detection of radioactivity in water using ion-exchange resin in concentrating radioactive nuclides was compared with an evaporation method. The loss of the radioactive materials in the sample treated by the ion-exchange method was less by about 20% than that by the evaporation method. In addition, the evaporation method needed about 20 hours for evaporating one liter of the sample at $70^{circ}C$, while the ion-exchange method spent 6 hours to adsorb and adsorb the same amount of the sample on the resin. Consequently, the ion-exchange method is more effective than the evaporation method for the treatment of the radioactively contaminated water and is especially suitable for detecting the low-level radioactivity in water.
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