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J Radiat Prot > Volume 13(2); 1988 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1988;13(2):88-0.
경수로형 조사후핵연료의 수송중 사고결과 평가
An Radiological Assessment Resulting from Accident during Transportation of Irradiated PWR Fuel
Yoon, Yeo-Chang;Ha, Chung-Woo;
The radiological impacts due to transportation of irradiated PWR fuel by truck were assessed for incident-free and accident conditions with. the computer code INTERTRAN. The resulting collective doses exposure to different subgroups of the public and of the workers were determined. Resulting collective doses for crewman and the public sharing the transport link and living in a corridor on either side of the route are small. All attempts to quantify the risk from the transport suffer from a lack of good input data. It is in these areas that the most important advances can be made.
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