Criticality Analysis of KSC-4 Spent Fuel Shipping Cask
Choi, B.I.;Shin, H.S.;Park, C.M.;Ro, S.G.;
The nuclear criticality of the KSC-4 shipping cask which can load four assemblies of PWR spent fuel was analyzed using KENO-IV computer code and 19-group nuclear cross section set generated from 218-group neutron cross section library(DLC-43/CSRL) using AMPX system. In accordance with 10CFR71, the analysis was performed for fresh fuel assemblies, instead of the spent fuels, under both norml transportation and hypothetical accident conditions. The calculated maximum multiplication factors(Keff) of the KSC-4 cask were 0.85289 and 0.94185 for the normal transportation and hypothetical accident conditions, respectively. The highest Keff of the KSC-4 cask is within the subcritical limit prescribed in l0CFR71 and accordingly the KSC-4 cask is safely designed in terms of nulear criticality.