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J Radiat Prot > Volume 14(2); 1989 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1989;14(2):23-0.
공기중 라돈 및 라돈 자핵종의 농도 측정
Measurement of Radon and its Daughters Concentration in Air
Park, Y.W.;Ha, C.W.;Ro, S.G.;
A Lucas cell was established and calibrated by using the double layer tube standard radon source. The calibration factors were 0.031$pm$0.002 (pCi/l)/(cph/Cell) at room temperature, and 0.029$pm$0.001 (pCi/l)/(cph/Cell) at $50^{circ}C$. Radon and its daughters concentrations were measured in a room air for the demonstrating purpose. The concentrations of 222 Rn, $^{218}Po,;224;Pb,;and;^{214}Bi$ were 0.87, 0.53, 0.35 and 0.26 pCi/l. The total eqilibrium factor was around 0.40 and the WL is $3.33{times}10^{-3}$, resulting in 30 mrem/yr at this place.
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