LiF(Mg, Cu, Na, Si) 열형광선량계를 사용한 $^{60}Co;{gamma}^-$선의 수중 흡수선량 측정
LiF(Mg, Cu, Na, Si) Thermoluminescent Dosimeters for In-phantom Dosimetry of $^{60}Co;{gamma}$-rays
Kim, Hyun-Ja;Chung, Woon-Hyuk;Lee, Woo-Gyo;Doh, Sih-Hong;
Newly developed LiF(Mg, Cu, Na, Si) thermoluminescence phosphors sealed in a plastic capsules (32mm dia., 0.9mm wall thickness) were used for in-phantom dosimetry of $^{60}Co$$gamma$-irradiation. The absorbed doses in water were determined by applying the general cavity theory to the absorbed dose in TLD cavity, which was computed from exposure. The absorbed doses at various sites in the water-phantom were measured by LiF(Mg, Cu, Na, Si) TLD and compared with doses obtained by the ionization method. Both results were consistent within the experimental fluctuation(${pm}3%)$ Central axis percentage depth doses and phantom-air ratios measured by LiF(Mg. Cu, Na, Si) TLD showed good agreement with the published values [Br. J. Radiology, Suppl. 17(1983)]