1Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 2Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University
Seung-Gy Ro ,
A suggestion has been made for neutron dosimetric techniques using activation and threshold detectors in criticality accidents. Neutron dosimetrical parameters, namely, the fission spectrum-averaged cross-sections of some threshold reactions and fluence-to-dose conversion factors have been calculated by the use of an electronic computer. It appears that detectors having comparatively high threshold energy give more fine information on spectral deformation in criticality accidents, while detectors with low threshold energy are of usefulness for measuring fast neutron fluence regardless of fissioning types. Unexpectedly it is found that the fission spectrum-averaged cross sections of the 32S(n,p)32P reaction is not sensitive to analytical forms of fission neutron spectrum: the modified Cranberg and Maxwellian forms. In addition, the fluence-to-dose conversion factors seem to be insensitive to both spectral functions and fissioning types.