Effects of Selenium and Metallothionein on the Toxicity of Cadmium in Rats
Ryu, Yong-Wun;Lee, Kee-Ho;
To find out an effective way of treating the toxicity of cadmium, concentrations of $K^+,;Ca^{2+}$ and c-AMP, and activities of GOT and GPT in blood of rats were determined at definite time intervals after administration of cadmium to rats. Cadmium caused more decrease of $Ca^{2+}$ concentration than $K^+$ concentration but increases of GOT and GPT activities and of c-AMP concentrations. The decreased concentration of $Ca^{2+}$ was not recovered by selenium or metallothionein. However, the increased activities of GOT and GPT, and the c-AMP concentration were down regulated remarkably by selenium but not by metallothionein. These results suggested that selenium might have the compensate effects concerning toxic index against cadmium such as increases of GOT and GPT activities, and of c-AMP concentration.