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J Radiat Prot > Volume 18(1); 1993 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1993;18(1):1-0.
방사선량의 측정, 평가에서 선량당량(dose equivalent)과 등가선량(equivalent dose)의 정의 및 차이
Definition and Difference between Dose Equivalent and Equivalent Dose in Radiation Dose Measurement and Evaluation
Chang, Si-Young;
In its recent recommendation No. 60(1990), ICRP has newly introduced several terminology which had not existed in its prior recommendation No. 26(1977). Of these, a newly defined quantity 'Equivalent Dose' replacing the 'Dose Equivalent' of the ICRU concept has been recommended to be adopted in the radiation protection programme. However, since the committee still uses the 'Dose Equivalent' and 'Equivalent Dose' in its several publications, it is likely to provoke unnecessary confusions and misuses in applying these two quantities. In this paper were described the definition and difference between these two quantities to help in understanding of these two quantitites among the person involved in the radiation protection activities.
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