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J Radiat Prot > Volume 18(2); 1993 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1993;18(2):71-0.
비감속 $^{252}Cf$ 중성자선원에 대한 비등방성교정인자 및 선량당량환산인자
Anisotropy and Dose Equivalents Conversion Factors for the Unmoderated $^{252}Cf$ Source
Jeong, Deok-Yeon;Chang, Si-Young;Yoon, Suk-Chul;Kim, Jong-Soo;
Form the pure Maxwellian distribution(kT= 1.42MeV), the effects upon calibration factors of encapsulating a $^{252}Cf$ spontaneous fission neutron source were investigated to establish a standard neutron field in the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI). A Monte Carlo code MCNP was used in simulating the encapsulation SR-Cf-100 and SR-Cf-1273 to be real conditions. The anisotropy(FI) and fluence-to-dose equivalents conversion factors$(H/{Phi})$ were evaluated and compared with other results. As the results, the FI was determined to be 1.061 at ${theta}=90^{circ}$ with ${pm}0.2%$ statistical error and the $(H/{Phi})$ was evaluated to be $333.9 [pSv;cm^2];with;{pm}0.5%$ statistical error, which is lower by 1.8% than that recommended by the ISO 8529. This means physically that the neutron spectrum of the unmoderated $^{252}Cf$ source in KAERI is a little more softened than that by the ISO.
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A Theoretical Calculation of Photon Dose Equivalent Conversion Factor For Extremity Dosimeter  1996 ;21(1)
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