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J Radiat Prot > Volume 19(2); 1994 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1994;19(2):133-0.
국제상호비교검증을 통한 Teledyne PB-3 개인선량계시스템의 성능시험
The Performance Test of Teledyne PB-3 Personnel Dosimetry System by Intercomparison Study
Lee, Sang-Yoon;Lee, Hyung-Sub;Kim, Jung-Lyul;Yoon, Suk-Chul;
Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued a Ministerial Ordinance (No 1992-15) about the technical criteria on personnel radiation dosimetry. In today's climate, it is important to demonstrate and document that the processor's systems and services to others meet national standards of quality. The purpose of this study is to verify the performance of the Teledyne PB-3 personnel dosimetry system that is generally used in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) by intercomparison with Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The KAERI has been participated in this personnel dosimetry intercomparison study(PDIS) program since 1991 and it could be possible to test and calibrate personnel monitoring system. This report presents a summary and analysis of by about 50 dose equivalent measurements reported for PDIS-16 through 18 (1991 -1993) with emphasis on neutron dose equivalent sensitivity, accuracy and precision. Relationships of the PDIS results to occupational neutron monitoring and methods to improve personnel dosimetry performance are also discussed.
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