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J Radiat Prot > Volume 4(1); 1979 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1979;4(1):5-0.
대기중(大氣中) 라돈 붕괴생성물(崩壞生成物)의 공기중(空氣中) 방사능(放射能) 농도(濃度)의 측정(測定)
The Measurement of Airborne Radon Daughter Concentrations in the Atmosphere
Ha, Chung-Woo;Lee, Jai-Ki;Moon, Philip S.;Yook, Chong-Chul;
A simple method for determining the airborne concentration of radon daughter products has been developed, which is based on gross alpha counting of the air filter collections at several time intervals after completion of air sampling. The concentration of each nuclide is then obtained from an equation involving the alpha disintegrations, the sampling time, and the known numerical coefficients. The state of radioactive disequilibrium is also investigated. The atmosphere sampled in the TRIGA Mark-III reactor room was largely in disequilibrium. The extent of radioactive disequilibrium between radon daughter products seems likely depend on sampling times associated with turbulence conditions. The data obtained here will certainly provide useful information on the evaluation of internal exposure and calibration of effluent monitoring instruments.
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