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J Radiat Prot > Volume 20(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1995;20(2):79-0.
알파비적검출방법에 의한 대기중 라돈딸핵종의 화학적 동특성연구
A Kinetics Study of Rn Daughter and Atmospheric Trace Gas Using Alpha Track Detection
Yoon, Suk-Chul;Ha, Chung-Woo;
A number of investigators have reported formation of radiolytic ultrafine particles produced by the interaction of ionizing radiation with atmospheric trace gases. Previous studies have suggested that a very high localized concentration of the hydroxyl radical produced by the radiolysis of water can react with atmospheric trace gases such as $SO_2$ and produce lower vapor pressure compounds that can subsequently nucleate. To determine the trace gas and water vapor concentration dependence of the active, positively charged, first decayt product of radon (Po-218), a well-controlled radon chamber was used in this research. The mobility spectrum of the decay products in the range of $0.07-5.0cm^2/V;sec$ from the radon chamber was measured using alpha track detector installed inside a specially-designed electrostatic spectrometer. Measurements were taken for different concentrations (0.5ppm to 5ppm) of $SO_2$ in Purified, Compressed air. A kinetics Study following the clustering of $SO_2$ around the $PoO_x^+$ ion in an excess of $SO_2$ for interpretation of the reaction processes was performed.
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