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J Radiat Prot > Volume 21(2); 1996 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1996;21(2):125-0.
MCNP, EGS, ITS코드를 이용한 고순도 게르마늄 검출기의 저에너지 광자에 대한 반응 비교연구
A Study on the Comparison of HPGe Detector Response Data for Low Energy Photons Using MCNP, EGS, and ITS Codes
Kim, Soon-Young;Kim, Jong-Kyung;Kim, Jong-Oh;Kim, Bong-Hwan;
The energy response of HPGe detector for low energy Photons was determined by using three Monte Carlo codes. MCNP4A. EGS4, and CYLTRAN in ITS3. In this study. bare HPGe detector$(100 mm^2{times}10mm)$ was used and a pencil beam was incident perpendicularly on the center of the detector surface. The photopeak efficiency, $K_{alpha}$ and $K_{beta}$ escape fractions were calculated as a function of incident X-ray energies ranging from 12 to 60 keV in 2-keV increments. Since the Compton. elastic. ana penetration fraction were negligible in this energy range. they were ignored in the calculation. Although MCNP. EGS, and CYLTRAN codes calculated slightly different energy response of HPGe detector for low energy Photons, it appears that the three Monte Carlo codes can Predict the low energy Photon scattering Processes accurately. The MCNP results, which are generally known as to be less accurate at low energy ranges than the EGS and ITS results. are comparable to the results of EGS and ITS and are applicable to the calculation of the low energy response data of a detector.
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