Kim, Yun-Goo;Lim, Jae-Yong;Park, Bhum-Lak;Park, Kwang-Heon;Whang, Ju-Ho;
Source intensities in terms of the exposure rates at 1m from the fresh and spent DUPIC fuels, made from standard and extended turnup PWR fuels, were analyzed. Two cases were studied based on the degree of elimination of removable elements. Homogeneous mixture model was applied to get the exposure rate. The exposure rate turned out to be very high and sensitive to Cs elimination during the dry process. About 90% of exposure can be reduced in the case of fresh DUPIC fuel made from 10-year cooled spent PWR fuels if Cs is fully removed during the dry process. The main radiation source in spent fuels is Cs-137. The dry storage of spent DUPIC fuel may need a longer wet storage period and require a further review.