Design and Construction of Multi-wire Proportional Counter and Preamplifier for Measurement of Charged Particle
Kim, Jong-Soo;Yoon, Suk-Chull;
A multi-wire proportional counter with large sensitive area was designed and constructed considering diameter of anode wire. its material and space. A preamplifier connecting detector to main amplifier or counter was also designed and constructed for measurement output pulse from multi-wire proportional counter. The preamplifier was composed of charge-sensitive differential circuit. clipping circuit and amplification circuit. To test the performance of this equipment, terminal output pulse from the preamplifier was measured and compared with noise For these tests $^{239}Pu(360 Bq);and; ^{90}Sr/^{90}Y(250 Bq)$ were used as radiation sources. The noise ingredient contributing to the maximum amplitude(180mV from $^{239}Pu$ and 200 mV from $^{90}Sr/^{90}Y$) was found to be very small(8 mV) Piled up pulse occurring at the output pulse of charge-sensitive differential circuit was measured as an independent pulse since this affected the amplification in the clipping circuit and amplification circuit. This information can be used to improve the loss of measurement due to piled up pulse.