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J Radiat Prot > Volume 22(1); 1997 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1997;22(1):9-0.
마우스에서 칼슘 및 Chitosan metabolism이 방사성스트론튬의 체외배출 효과에 미치는 명향
The Effect of Calcium and Chitosan Metabolism to the Excretion of Radiostrontium in Mice
Kim, Young-Ho;Bom, Hee-Seung;Kim, Ji-Yeul;Roh, Young-Bok;
Chitosan, a natural nontoxic chelator, was reported to reduce whole body retention of radiostrontium in mice. As calcium has a simillar chemical properties to strontium both of which be easily bound with hydroxyapatite structure, calcium can be either a competitor or enhancer to chitosan on the removal of radiostrontium. We compared the effect of chitosan and calcium on the excretion of ingested radiostrontium ($^{85}$Sr). Chitosan or calcium($Cacl_2$) and usual food was mixed as 1:99 by weight. The mixed food to chitosan (group 1) or calcium (group 2) were given orally for 30 days before $^{85}$Sr administration. In other groups, mixed calcium and chitosan solution (group 3), 1% calcium (group 4), or 1% chitosan solution (group 5) was given for 7 days immediately after oral administration of $^{85}SrC1_2$ ($0.25{mu}Ci$). In control group, no chitosan or calcium were given. Either chitosan or calcium was effective on the removal of $^{85}Sr$ from mouse body(Table. 1). Addition of calcium on chitosan did not improve or deteriorate the effect of chitosan on the removal of $^{85}Sr$ from mouse body. In conclusion, calcium was similarly effective on the removal of $^{85}Sr$ from mouse body.
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