Blocking the Acute Radiostrontium Transfer from Placenta In Fetus by Soluble Chitosan in Mice
Kim, Young-Ho;Bom, Hee-Seung;Kim, Ji-Yeul;
It has been reported that chitosan has little genetic toxicity as one of natural and nontoxic chelator and reduces the internal retention of radiostrontium in the mouse. This study is to examine that when water soluble chitosan is provided to the mouse on 17 days of pregnancy before and after radiostrontium contamination, how effectively it can inhibit an acute transfer of radiostrontium to fetus through placenta contaminated. Water soluble chitosan powder is mixed with general food for 60 days and 10%(Group 1) and 1%(Group 2) are provided respectively, and it is observed that the group with radiostrontium contamination on 17 days of pregnancy can inhibit more effectively the transfer of radiostrontium to fetus through placenta than control group with general food and the groups (Group 3, Group 4) with 10% and 1% of chitosan powder respectively after radiostrontium contamination (p<0.01, Table 1). It is found that when the pregnant mouse contaminated by radiostrontium on 17 days of pregnancy is prefed by chitosan, the transfer of radiostrontium to fetus through placenta can be inhibited.