Technical Review of the IAEA Regulations for Transportation of Radioactive Materials and Major Revision in the 1996 IAEA Safety Standard Series No. ST-l
Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material published by IAEA Safety Standard Series ST-l is reviewed and summarized. Safety Series No.115(International standard of radiation protection and safety for ionizing radiation and radiation sources), which reflected the new recommendation of ICRP60 published in 1991, has been a important encouragement for IAEA to revise their safety series related to the transportation of radioactive materials. IAEA Safety, Standard Series No. ST-l is summarized by comparing IAEA Safety Series No.6 regarding radiation protection system and its implementation, technical standards of packages, concept of Q system and exemption of regulation. The IAEA regulations of transportation of radioactive materials is summarized from the viewpoint of radiation protection and safety assessment. Research on transportation system of radioactive waste is suggested as a further study.