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J Radiat Prot > Volume 23(4); 1998 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1998;23(4):251-0.
통계적 방법을 이용한 방사성 물질의 대기 확산 평가
A Study on the Diffusion of Gaseous Radioactive Effluents Based on the Statistical Method
Na, Man-Gyun;Lee, Goung-Jin;
A diffusion model of radioactive gaseous effluents is improved to apply for domestic nuclear power plants. Up to now, XOQDOQ computer code package developed by U. S NRC has been used for the assessment of radioactive plume dispersion by normal operation of domestic nuclear power plants. XOQDOQ adopts the straight-line Gaussian plume model which was basically derived for the plane terrain. However, since there are so many mountains in Korea, the several shortcomings of XOQDOQ are improved to consider the complex terrain effects. In this work, wind direction change is considered by modifying the wind rose frequency using meteorological data of the local weather stations. In addition, an effective height correction model, a plume reduction model due to plume penetration into mountain, and a wet deposition model are adopted for more realistic assessments. The proposed methodology is implemented in Yongkwang nuclear power plants, and can be used for other domestic nuclear power plants.
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