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J Radiat Prot > Volume 23(4); 1998 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1998;23(4):243-0.
원자력 사고후 우유에 대한 비상대응의 정당화/최적화를 위한 방법론 및 적용연구
A Methodology for Justification and Optimization of Countermeasures for Milk After a Nuclear Accident and Its Application
Hwang, Won-Tae;Han, Moon-Hee;Kim, Eun-Han;Cho, Gyu-Seong;
The methodology for justification and optimization of the countermeasures related with contamination management of milk was designed based on the cost and benefit analysis. The application results were discussed for the deposition on August 15, when pasture is fully developed in Korean agricultural conditions. A dynamic food chain model DYNACON was used to estimate the time-dependent radioactivity of milk after the deposition. The considered countermeasures are (1) the ban of milk consumption (2) the substitution of clean fodder, which are effective in reducing the ingestion dose as well as simple and easy to carry out in the first year after the deposition. The total costs of the countermeasures were quantitatively estimated in terms of cost equivalent of doses and monetary costs. It is obvious that a fast reaction after the deposition is an important factor in cost effectiveness of the countermeasures. In most cases, the substitution of clean fodder was more effective countermeasure than the ban of consumption. A fast reaction after the deposition made longer justifiable/optimal duration of the countermeasure.
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