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J Radiat Prot > Volume 24(2); 1999 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1999;24(2):65-0.
원자력 사고후 가축 사료로서 오염 농작물 이용에 대한 최적기간 결정 방법론
A Methodology for Determining the Optimal Durations of the Use of Contaminated Crops As Feedstuffs of Cattle Following a Nuclear Accident
Hwang, Won-Tae;Han, Moon-Hee;Choi, Yong-Ho;Cho, Gyu-Seong;
A methodology for determining the optimal durations of the use of contaminated crops as feedstuffs of cattle was designed based on the cost-benefit analysis method. The results of application for pigs, an omnivorous cattle, were discussed for the hypothetical deposition of radionuclides on August 15 when a number of crops are fully developed in Korean agricultural conditions. For investigating the relative cost-effectiveness of the use of contaminated crops as feedstuffs, the net benefit was compared with the case of the direct disposal of contaminated crops. The time-dependent radionuclide concentration in crops after the deposition was predicted using a dynamic food chain model DYNACON. The net benefit from the actions was quantitatively evaluated in terms of cost equivalent of doses and monetary costs of implementing the action. It depended on a number of factors such as radionuclides, variety of crops supplied as feedstuffs and duration of the actions. The use of contaminated crops as feedstuffs was more cost effective for $^{90}Sr;or;^{131}I$ deposition than for $^{137}Cs$ deposition.
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