The influence of the relative humidity, the temperature and the velocity of supply air on evaporation rate has been studied with non-boiling forced evaporation system in order to treat very low level radioactive liquid wastes produced from the decontamination and decommissioning activities. Experimental data on the evaporation rate have been obtained with the divers variables and experimental equation of air velocity was also obtained by the correlation of those data. The decontamination factor of this system was also obtained by the experimental data from a simulated liquid waste containing Cs-137 radio isotope ; $DF=10^4$. Since the commercial system will be operated for the treatment of the very low level radioactive liquid waste produced from decontamination & decommissioning of TRIGA Mark-II&III research reactor, the environmental assessment has been conducted to improve the operational safety. Exposure dose rate for an individual member of general public was assessed, and it showed that it was very lower than individual dose limits. The release of radioactivity of radioisotope material (Cs-137) to the environment was assessed, and result showed that it was $4.637{times}10^{-14};{mu}Ci/cc$.