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J Radiat Prot > Volume 25(1); 2000 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2000;25(1):11-0.
동적섭식경로모델 DYNACON에 대한 입력변수의 민감도분석
Sensitivity Analysis of Input Parameters for a Dynamic Food-Chain Model DYNACON
Hwang, Won-Tae;Lee, Geun-Chang;Han, Moon-Hee;Cho, Gyu-Seong;
The sensitivity analysis of input parameters for a dynamic food chain model DYNACON was conducted as a function of deposition date for the long-lived radionuclides $(^{137}Cs,;^{90}Sr)$. Also, the influence of input parameters for the short and long-terms contamination of selected foodstuffs (cereals, leafy vegetables, milk) was investigated. The input parameters were sampled using the LHS technique, and their sensitivity indices represented as PRCC. The sensitivity index was strongly dependent on contamination period as well as deposition date. In case of deposition during the growing stages of plants, the input parameters associated with contamination by foliar absorption were relatively important in long-term contamination as well as short-term contamination. They were also important in short-term contamination in case of deposition during the non-growing stages. In long-term contamination, the influence of input parameters associated with foliar absorption decreased, while the influence of input parameters associated with root uptake increased. These phenomena were more remarkable in case of the deposition of non-growing stages than growing stages, and in case of $^{90}Sr$ deposition than $^{137}Cs$ deposition. In case of deposition during growing stages of pasture, the input parameters associated with the characteristics of cattle such as feed-milk transfer factor and daily intake rate of cattle were relatively important in contamination of milk.
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