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J Radiat Prot > Volume 25(1); 2000 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2000;25(1):21-0.
벼에 대한 $^{54}Mn,;^{57}Co,;^{85}Sr,;^{103}Ru,;^{134}Cs$의 직접오염 경로분석 실험
Experimental Studies for Analyzing Direct Contamination Pathway $^{54}Mn,;^{57}Co,;^{85}Sr,;^{103}Ru$ and $^{134}Cs$ in Rice
Choi, Yong-Ho;Lim, Kwang-Muk;Park, Hyo-Guk;Lee, Won-Yun;Lee, Chang-Mi;
For analyzing the direct contamination pathway of radionudides in rice plants, a Solution containing $^{54}Mn,;^{57}Co,;^{85}Sr,;^{103}Ru$ and $^{134}Cs$ was applied to the aboveground Parts of the between RI application and harvest. Its highest observed value was 0.94. The fractions of the initial plant deposition that remained in rice plants at harvest were in the range of $19{sim}47%,;17{sim}43%,;19{sim}42%,;23{sim}61%$ and $11{sim}69%$ for $^{54}Mn,;^{57}Co,;^{85}Sr,;^{103}Ru$ and $^{134}Cs$, respectively, when no decay was assumed. The translocation factors of those radionuclides in hulled seeds were in the range of $6.9{times}10^{-4}3.8{times}10^{-2},;3.6{times}10^{-3}{sim}1.6{times}10^{-1},;5.8{times}10^{-4}{sim}3.2{sim}10^{-2},;1.6{times}10^{-4}{sim}7.6{times}10^{-3}$ and $3.2{times}10^{-2}{sim}2.0{times}10^{-1}$, respertively, and were highest when they were applied at the stage of active seed development. It was indicated that the remaining percentage and translocation factor would not be greatly affected by the difference in the rain frequency if it is within a factor of 2. These results can be utilzed for predicting the radionuclide concentrations in rice seeds when an accidental deposition of those radionuclides occurs during the rice-growing season.
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