Protective Effect against Oxidative Stress in Medicinal Plant Extracts
Kim, Jeong-Hee;Lee, Eun-Ju;Shin, Dong-O;Hong, Sung-Eun;Kim, Jin-Kyu;
Protective effect of medicinal plant extracts against oxidative stress were screened in this study. Methanol extracts from 48 medicinal plants, which were reported to have antioxidative or anti-inflammtory effect were prepared and screened for their protective activity against chemically-Induced and radiation-induced oxidative stress by using MTT assay. Thirty three samples showed protective activity against chemically-induced oxidative stress in various extent Among those samples, extract of Glycyrrhiza uralensis revealed the strongest activity (25.9% at $100{mu}g/m{ell}$) with relatively lower cytotoxicity. Seven other samples showed higher than 20% protection at $100{mg}g/m{ell}$. These samples were tested for protection activity against radiation-induced oxidative stress. Methanol extract of Alpina officinarum show the highest activity (17.8% at $20{mu}g/m{ell}$). Five fractions were prepared from the each 10 methanol extracts which showed high protective activity against oxidative stress. Among those fraction samples butanol fractions of Areca catechu var. dulcissima and Spirodela polyrrhiza showed the highest protective activities (78.8% and 77.2%, respectively, at $20{mu}g/m{ell}$).