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J Radiat Prot > Volume 25(1); 2000 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2000;25(1):45-0.
마우스에서 스쿠알렌에 의한 방사성수은 억제 효과
Inhibition of radiomercury(Hg-203) by squalene in mice
Lee, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Young-Ho;Kim, Joung-Se;
The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the retention of the radiomercury among the organs in mice. We used the healthy ICR male mice and divided into two grouos. The experimental group was orally treated with squalene(200mg/kg of body weight) at two times a day(12 hrs interval) and radiomercury(0.005 uCi/g of body weight.) only one time. The control group was treated only with radiomercury as same amount of the experimental group. As the result, main retentive organs were kidney, liver, blood, heart and skull. In the control group, all of these organs showed high retention of the radiomercury at 6 hours, but in the experimental groups, all the organs significantly inhibit retention of the .radiomercury by squalene(p<0.05). We conclude that squalene inhibit retention of the radiomercury.
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