Dosimetric Properties of LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si TL pellets
Nam, Young-Mi;Kim, Jang-Lyul;Chang, Si-Young;
Sintered LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si thermoluminescence (TL) pellets were developed for application in radiation dosimetry. In the present study, the TL dosimetric properties of LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si TL pellets have been investigated for emission spectrum, dose response, energy response, and fading characteristics. LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si TL pellets were made by using a sintering process, that is, pressing and heat treatment from TL powders. Photon irradiations for the experiments were carried out using X-ray beams and a $^{137}Cs$ gamma source at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The average energies and the dose were in the range of 20-662 keV and $10^{-6}-10^{-2};Gy$, respectively. The glow curves were measured with a manual type TLD reader(System 310, Teledyne) at a constant nitrogen flux and a linear heating rate. For a constant heating rate of $5^{circ}C;s^{-1}$, the main dosimetric peak of glow curve appeared at $234^{circ}C$, the activation energy was 2.34 eV and frequency factor was $1.00{times}10^{23}$. TL emission spectrum is appeared at the blue region centered at 410 nm. A linearity of photon dose response was maintained up to 100 Gy. The photon energy responses relative to $^{137}Cs$ response were within ${pm}20%$ at overall photon energy region. The fading of TL sensitivity of the pellets stored at the room temperature was not found for one year.