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J Radiat Prot > Volume 26(2); 2001 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2001;26(2):119-0.
세계 각국의 고준위계기물 처분안전 및 기술기준 고찰
Investigation of the Safety and Technical Criteria for HLW Disposal in Other Countries
Choi, Jong-Won;Kwon, San-Gi;Ko, Won-Il;Kang, Chul-Hyung;
This paper provides the basic technical and safety criteria to guide establishing the reference HLW geological repository system that has been developing based on the recommendations from the international organizations such as IAEA and ICRP as well as the comparison of the regulations of several leading countries in HLW disposal. The proposed criteria and guidelines were categorized by the basic principles and general criteria for the radiological safety and the functional criteria of the repository system components. They would be useful for the development of the national regulations and criteria for HLW disposal in the future. They, of course, will be revised based on the deep geological investigation in Korean Peninsular which will be implemented in the future.
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