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J Radiat Prot > Volume 27(2); 2002 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2002;27(2):101-0.
한국 연안 퇴적물에서 $^{137}Cs,;^{90}Sr$ 및 PU 동위원소의 분포
The Distribution of $^{137}Cs,;^{90}Sr$ and PU isotopes in the Coastal Sediment of Korea
Choi, Seok-Won;Jin, Hyun-Gook;Kim, Cheol-Su;Row, Jung-Whan;Kim, Chang-Kyu;Rho, Byung-Hwan;
The concentrations and activity ratios of $^{137}Cs,;^{90}Sr;^{238}Pu$ and $^{239-240}Pu$ in sediment($0sim}20;$cm) at 15 coastal stations of Korea were determined. The mean concentrations of $^{137}Cs,;^{90}Sr;^{238}Pu$ and $^{239-240}Pu$ are $2.24{pm0.79;Bq{cdot}kg^{-1}-dry,;0.20{pm}0.04 Bq{cdot}kg^{-1}-dry,;0.009{pm}0.005;Bq{cdot}kg^{-1}-dry}$ and $0.27{pm}0.17;Bq{cdot}kg^{-1}-dry$, respectively. The mean activity ratios of $^{137}Cs,;^{90}Sr$, $^{239-240}Pu/^{137}Cs$ and $^{238}Pu/^{229-240}Pu$ and atomic ratio of $^{240}Pu/^{239}Pu$ are $11.2{pm}2.9,;0.123{pm}0.053$ and $0.033{pm}0.017$ and $0.218{pm}0.036$, respectively. The concentrations and activity ratios in sediment samples are similar to those reported from neighbouring country in the northern hemisphere. The correlation coefficient of $^{137}Cs$ and $^{239-240}Pu$ is 0.80. The correlation coefficient of $^{137}Cs$ and soil organic matter(SOM), and $^{239-240}Pu$ and clay content are 0.69 and 0.67, respectively.
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