Conventional and modified electrolytic decontamination experiment were performed in the 1.7 M solution of sodium sulfate and sodium nitrate tot decontamination of carbon steel as the simulated metal wastes which have been produced in large amounts from nuclear power plants. Anode ant cathode were used as inconel and titanium respective. The reaction time and temperature were 1 hr and $25^{circ}C$ The analyses were performed of the characteristics such as weight loss arid thickness change of metal waste. suspended solid in electrolyte and SEM observation. In modified electrolyte decontamination system with increased current density ranged from 0.1 to $0.6A/cm^2$, the metal waste showed thickness changes of $0.48{pm}0.005$ to $67.7{pm}0.02{mu}m$ in 1.7 M sodium sulfate and those of $0.06{pm}0.005$ to $17.7{pm}0.05{mu}m$ in sodium nitrate. Metal waste in modified electrolyte decontamination system showed the thickness change of $9.8{pm}0.01{mu}m$ while it reacted up to $3.7{pm}0.03{mu}m$ in conventional system with $0.3 A/cm^2$ of current density and 1.7 M sodium sulfate. Decontamination efficiencies of modified electrolytic process ate much hither than that of conventional electrolytic process when both are applied to metal waste.