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J Radiat Prot > Volume 28(2); 2003 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2003;28(2):145-0.
원자력발전소 계획예방정비 기간중 피폭최적화 경험
The Optimization Experience of Occupational Exposure during Unclear Power Plant Outage
Song, Young-Il;Kim, Hyung-Jin;Park, Hun-Kook;Kim, Hee-Geun;
By optimizing the radiation protection the collective dose and individual dose could be reduced during YGN #4 $5^{th}$ outage in 2001. The collective doses for the two high radiation jobs decreased to 85% and 65% of expected doses. The proportion of workers with low dose (below 1mSv) exposure increased 4% while the proportion of workers with over 3mSv and 5mSv exposure are decreased to 2%, 1% respectively. But none is exposed over 8mSv for the annual dose. To aid decision of utilizing the robot, cost- benefit analysis was performed and reasonable point was proposed to use the robot. For the first time job, repeated ALARA meeting and mock up training were implemented to set up working procedure by identifying the trouble. To easily set up standard procedure, mockup process was videotaped and reviewed during ALARA meeting. Monitoring is a good approach to chase radiological working condition such as working time, dose rate. behavior of workers, especially for high radiation work. Those data were estimated and adjusted from the stage of work planning to mock up. At the stage of actual work the monitoring data were compared to the estimation and recorded to database. This database will not only be used as a powerful tool for dose optimization at the following outage but also as a guideline to dose constraint set up for optimization for each specific situation.
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