An imaging plate(IP) detector, a two-dimensional digital radiation detector that can acquire image of radioactivity distribution in a sample, has been applied in many fields; for industrial radiography, medical diagnosis, X-ray diffraction test, etc. In this study, the possibility of IP detector to be used lot measuring radioactivity of sample is explored using its high sensitivity, higher spatial resolution, wider dynamic range and screen uniformity for several kinds radiations. First, the IP detector is applied to measure the surface uniformity for area source. Surface uniformity is measured rapidly and nondestructively by measuring the radioactivity distribution of common standard area source$(^{241}Am)$. Next, the IP is employed to study the possibility of measuring an extremely low-level activity of environmental sample. For this study the screen uniformity, shield effect of background radiation, linear dynamic range and fading effect of the IP detector is investigated. The potato, banana, radish and carrot samples are chosen to measure ultra low-level activity of $^{40}K$ isotope. The efficiency calibration of IP detector is carried out using the standard source.