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J Radiat Prot > Volume 30(4); 2005 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2005;30(4):221-0.
일부 대학생의 방사선이용에 대한 지식, 의식도 및 태도
Knowledges, consciousnesses, and attitudes of some university students on the use of radiations
Han, Eun-Ok;Park, Byung-Sub;
This study attempts to extract certain directions for the education program to provide right information by investigating knowledges, consciousnesses, and attitudes of some university students. They have a high level of knowledges among average persons on the use of radiations in order to recognize the radiation safety in daily lives including the change in national recognitions for radiations safety that is consistent with the situation in these days. The survey was performed for 528 university students from Oct. 10 to Oct. 15, 2005. The results of this survey can be summarized as follows; students who didn't get educations for the use of radiations were recorded as 415 students (80.7%) in which the reason that they didn't get such educations was there were no chances to receive the education' as 265 students (77.9%). The basic knowledge on the use of radiations was presented as a low level of $5.96{pm}2.90$ points based on the sum of 15 points, and the consciousness on the use of radiations was investigated as $3.65{pm}0.50$ points based on the sum of 5 points. In addition, the attitude on the use of radiations was investigated as $3.23{pm}0.46$ points based on the sum of 5 points.
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