A TL pellet for a neutron dose measurement (KCT-306) by embedding a $^6Li$-compound into a $CaSO_4:Dy$ phohphor was developed based upon the technical information of KCT-300. The KCT-300 is an another kind of $CaSO_4:Dy$ TL detector shich was developed at KAERI, in which small amounts of $NH_4H_2PO_4$ have been emvedded as a binding material. This paper presented the optimized manufacturing condition of KCT-306 and compared its sensitivity with that of the commercialized neutron TL pellets. $CaSO_4:Dy$ Phosphor with grain size ranging less than $45{mu}m$ are used for the KCT-306. The optimum $CaSO_4:Dy$ TL phosphor, $^6Li$-compounds and P-compound as the binding material are determined as 20-40wt%, 50-70wt% and 20wt%. The TL pellet combination of our KCT-306/KCT-300, TLD-600/TLD-700 and TLD-600H/TLD-700H(Harshaw) have been irradiated in the neutron/gamma mixed fields from a $D_2O$ moderated $^{252}Cf$ neutron source. The KCT-300, TLD-700 and TLD-700H were used at the same time as gamma ray discriminators in the neutron/gamma mixed fields. It was found that the neutron/gamma response ratios of KCT-306/KCT-300, which were developed in this study, were approximately 4 times higher than those of the commercial TLD-600H/TLD-700H.