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J Radiat Prot > Volume 8(2); 1983 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 1983;8(2):41-0.
방사성핵종(放射性核種)의 대기방출(大氣放出)로 인한 집단선량(集團線量) 평가(評價)
The Assessment of The Collective Dose Resulting from Airborne Releases of Radionuclides
Lee, Tea-Young;Yook, Chong-Chul;Lee, Byung-Ki;
Annual collective dose within 50 miles radius of Ko-ri I reactor site due to normal airborne effluent discharges in 1979 has been estimated by AIRDOS-EPA computer code. Gaussian plume equation is used for estimation of both horizontal and vertical dispersion of radionuclide release into the atmosphere. Also, radionuclide concentrations in meat, milk, and fresh produce consumed by near-by population are estimated by coupling the output of the atmospheric transport models with the USNRC terrestrial food chain models. Annual collective doses are found to be $3.348{times}10^{-1}$ whole body manrem and 84.95 thyroid manrem. Whole body manrem calculated by AIRDOS-EPA computer code do not differ greatly from that calculated by GASPAR computer code, but value for thyroid manrem have been estimated lower than that calculated by GASPAR computer code.
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