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J Radiat Prot > Volume 32(2); 2007 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2007;32(2):51-0.
프로폴리스 섭식이 X-선에 의해 손상된 랫드의 여러 조직에 미치는 영향
Effect of Propolis Feeding on Rat Tissues Damaged by X-ray Irradiation
Lee, Ji-Hoon;Ji, Tae-Jeong;Seo, Eul-Won;
Present study aimed to investigate the radioprotective effects of propolis feeding on rat tissues damaged by X-ray irradiation. It was shown that the number of white blood cell in X-ray irradiated group supplemented with propolis increased as much to those of the control group and also the GOT activities among the blood components were decreased after propolis feeding. The mineral contents such as Mg, Fe, Ca, Mn, Cu, Mo, Ni, As in liver were increased as compared with those of the control group but maintained lower level than those of only irradiated groups, implying that the propolis feeding elevated the recovery capability of white blood cell effectively and propolis have a potential resistance to cell damage by X-ray. According to histological observations of the testis, intestine and liver tissues which are irradiated after feeding propolis, the numbers of damaged undifferentiated cells were decreased in testis and the shape of the goblet cells and inner and outer muscular layers in intestine were restored to the original state and the hepatocytes and interlobular veins were shown intact in liver, suggesting that propolis has a potential capacity to restore cell shapes or resist deformation of cell.
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