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J Radiat Prot > Volume 32(4); 2007 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2007;32(4):184-0.
저선량 X-선 조사가 쥐의 정자에 미치는 생물학적효과
The Effects of Rat's Sperm Bioassay for Low Dose X-Ray
Jin, Gye-Hwan;Min, Soo-Young;Lee, Sang-Bock;Lee, Sam-Yul;Park, Jong-Bae;Lee, Jun-Haeng;
In order to investigate the enhancement effects of low dose radiation on biological activation, this study applied low dose X-ray to the whole body of male rats to find out whether hormesis is induced in male germ cells. Total 36 Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats as experimental animal were subdivided into 6 groups(in 6 rats per group) such as control, 10 mGy, 20 mGy, 50 mGy, 100 mGy and 200 mGy radiation group All the groups showed slightly increasing number of sperms per 0.1g semen ($14.216{times}10^6,;13.901{times}10^6,;14.153{times}10^6,;13.831{times}10^6,;14.137{times}10^6,;14.677{times}10^6$ respectively), and the motility of sperms amounted to 50.9%, 49.5%, 55.1%, 54.3%, 48.0% and 52.2% respectively. Particularly, compared to the control, the other 5 groups showed higher male hormone level, and the microscopic observations of testicle tissues showed no vacuolization in seminiferous tubules and testis cells. In the results of this experiment, no harmful effect was observed on Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats for which the dose of radiation was controlled as regulated legally by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. However, as these results were obtained from a limited number of animals, we cannot maintain that the same effect will be observed in the human body. Therefore, there should be further research on the effect on other animals and ultimately on the human body.
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The Effect of Radiation Exposure  1994 ;19(2)
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