전신계측기를 이용한 원전종사자의 $^{131}I$ 내부방사능 측정 경험 및 개선방향에 대한 연구
The Whole Body Counting Experience on the Internal Contamination of $^{131}I$ at Korean Nuclear Power Plants
Kim, Hee-Geun;Kong, Tae-Young;
During the maintenance period at Korean nuclear power plants, internal exposure of radiation workers occurred by the inhalation of $^{131}I$ released to the reactor building when primary system was opened. The internal radioactivity of radiation workers contaminated by $^{131}I$ was immediately measured using a whole body counter and the whole body counting was performed again after a few days. In this study, the intake estimated from the record history of entrance to radiation control areas and the measurement results of air sampling for $^{131}I$ in those areas, were compared with that from the results of whole body counting. As a result, it was concluded that the intake estimation using whole body counting and air sampling showed similar results.