원전에서 발생하는 주요 방사성핵종들이 방사선작업종사자와 원전 주변주민의 피폭방사선량 평가에 미치는 영향 |
김희근;공태영;정우태;김석태; |
An Effects of Radiation Dose Assessment for Radiation Workers and the Member of Public from Main Radionuclides at Nuclear Power Plants |
Kim, Hee-Geun;Kong, Tae-Young;Jeong, Woo-Tae;Kim, Seok-Tae; |
In a primary system at nuclear power plants (NPPs), various radionuclides including fission products and corrosion products are generated due to the complex water conditions. Particularly, $^3H,;^{14}C,;^{58}Co,;^{60}Co,;^{137}Cs,;and^{131}I$ are important radionuclides in respect of dose assessment for radiation workers and management of radioactive effluents. In this paper, the dominant contributors of radiation exposure for radiation workers and the member of public adjacent to NPPs were reviewed and the process of dose assessment attributable to those contributors were introduced. Furthermore, the analysis for some examples of radiation exposure to radiation workers and the public during the NPP operation was carried out. This analysis included the notable precedents of internal radiation exposure and contamination of demineralized water occurred in Korean NPPs. Particularly, the potential issue about the dose assessment of tritium and carbon-14 was also reviewed in this paper. |