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J Radiat Prot > Volume 37(1); 2012 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2012;37(1):41-0.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2012.37.1.041
한국인 기준여성 체적소형 모의체 개발
Development of the Reference Korean Female Voxel Phantom
Ham, Bo-Kyoung;Cho, Kun-Woo;Yeom, Yoen-Soo;Jeong, Jong-Hwi;Kim, Chan-Hyeong;Han, Min-Cheol;
The objective of this study is for development of the reference Korean female phantom, HDRK-Woman. The phantom was constructed by adjusting a Korean woman voxel phantom to the Reference Korean data. The Korean woman phantom had been developed based on the high-resolution color slice images obtained from an adult Korean female cadaver. There were a total of 39 organs including the 27 organs specified in ICRP 103 for effective dose calculation. The voxel resolution of the phantom was $1.976{times}1.976{times}2.0619;mm^3$ and the voxel array size is $261{times}109{times}825$ in the x, y and z directions. Then, the voxel resolution was changed to $2.0351{times}2.0351{times}2.0747;mm^3$ for adjustment of the height and total bone mass of the phantom to the Reference Korean data. Finally, the internal organs and tissue were adjusted using in-house software program developed for 3D volume adjustment of the organs and tissue. The effective dose values of HDRK phantoms were calculated for broad parallel photon beams using MCNPX Monte Carlo code and compared with those of ICRP phantoms.
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