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J Radiat Prot > Volume 38(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of Radiation Protection 2013;38(1):1-0.
doi: https://doi.org/10.14407/jrp.2013.38.1.001
방사선방호 실무역량 강화를 위한 국제 교육훈련 과정 개발
한국원자력연구원 원자력교육센터
Development of International Education and Training Program for Building Practical Competence in Radiation Protection
Hyun Ki Kim
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nuclear Training and Education Center
Correspondence  Hyun Ki Kim ,Email: hkkim0@kaeri.re.kr
Education and training is an important means of promoting safety culture and enhancing the level of competence of radiation worker in radiation protection. The existing international nuclear education and training of short duration has been carried out on the high-level officials and focussed on the classroom based training. The developing countries has been asking for support to cultivate their own technical experts to Korea which is a donor country exporting nuclear power plants. This paper summarizes the results of developing and operating the international education and training course to froster technical experts in radiation protection that emphasized practical training sessions and technical visits using the excellent domestic radiation facilities and infrastructure of education and training. It mentions the procedures of assessment and feedback as well. In an effort to maximize teaching-learning effects and to maintain consistency of the learning objectives, methods and assessment, SAT methodology has been applied on the processes of developing and operating the course. In the comparative and final assessment which were conducted at the beginning or at the end of training course, participants' average score increased around 2 points. The questionnaire of participants showed a high level of satisfaction of 4.0 points or above for the most of the questions. These imply teaching-learning methods applied to it might be effective. The teaching-learning methodologies may provide the opportunity to develop the customized training course for bringing up international technical experts and to shift educational paradigm from theory-oriented to on-site practice-based education.
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