전자개인선량계(EPD)의 외부피폭방사선량 평가 성능분석 |
이병일1, 김태진1, 임영기2 |
1한국수력원자력(주) 방사선보건원 2가천대학교 방사선학과 |
Performance Analysis of Electronic Personal Dosimeter(EPD) for External Radiation Dosimetry |
Byoung-Il Lee1, Taejin Kim1, Young-Khi Lim2 |
1Radiation Health Research Institute-Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power 2Dept. of Radiological Science, Gachon University |
Received: August 18, 2015; Revised: November 10, 2015 Accepted: November 13, 2015. |
As performance of electronic personal dosimeter (EPD) used for auxiliary personal dosimeter in nuclear power plants (NPPs) has been being continuously improved, we investigated application cases in Korea and other countries and also tested it in NPPs to assess the performance of EPD for external radiation dosimetry. Result of performance tests done in domestic NPPs was similar to those obtained by IAEA in cooperation with EURADOS (IAEA-TECDOC-1564). In addition, EPD/TLD dose ratio has shown similar tendency of EPD/Film-badge dose ratio from the research by the Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) and EPD provided more conservative value than TLD or Film-badge. Although some EPD’s failures have been discussed, EPD has shown continuous improvement according to the report of Institute of Nuclear Power Operation (INPO) and data from domestic NPPs. In conclusion, It is considered that the general performance of EPD is adequate for external radiation dosimetry compared with that of TLD, providing appropriate performance checking procedure and alternative measures for functional failure. |
EPD, TLD, Active dosimeter, Passive dosimeter, Nuclear power plant |