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Instructions to Authors > For Authors > Instructions to Authors

Approved March 1976
1st revision August 1982
2nd revision April 1983
3th revision June 1983
4th revision June 1986
5th revision June 1989
6th revision June 1994
7th revision June 1998
8th revision September 24, 1999
9th revision April 29, 2004
10th revision September 29, 2005
11th revision April 27, 2012
12th revision September 30, 2015
13th revision March 22, 2016
14th revision December 2, 2016
15th revision July 31, 2019

Chapter 1 (Aims and Scope)

The purpose of the Journal of Radiation Protection and Research (hereafter referred to as ‘the Journal’) is to disseminate scientific and technical information on radiation protection and related issues covering both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. These include not only man-made radiation and radionuclides but also cosmic radiation and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). Specific expertise covers radiation physics and detection, radiation dosimetry, dose monitoring and evaluation, radiation biology and epidemiology, radiation risk assessment, radiation public health and environmental impact, radiation safety and regulations, training and education, and social science and participation including social communication and risk communication. The fields of radiological protection include uses of radiation/radioisotopes, nuclear industry and research, NORM industry and research, radiation diagnosis and therapy, accelerator research, and radioactive waste.

Chapter 2 (Copyright)

The copyright of the manuscripts published in the Journal belongs to the Korean Association for Radiation Protection (KARP).

Section 1 General Submission Guideline

Chapter 3 (Manuscript Characteristics and Types)

Manuscripts describing radiation protection-related theories and applications are classified into paper, technical paper, note, letter, special contribution, and explanation. The special contribution and explanation refer to manuscripts specially requested by the Editorial Committee with a predefined content and scope.

  1. 1. Paper: Papers should have original contents or in-depth analysis and should not have been already published. Papers should provide explanation adequate for readers to be able to reconstruct the process and focus on the results.
  2. 2. Technical paper: Technical papers deal with investigation, analysis, improvement methods and results, review, and other practical issues. The format of technical papers is equivalent to that of papers.
  3. 3. Note: Notes are essentially manuscripts with the characteristics of papers, but written for the purpose of preliminary preparation or information exchange. They may include original data but are not required to include a complete set of results and final conclusions.
  4. 4. Letter: Letters provide brief information such as comment on an article published in the Journal, an answer to a letter, etc.
  5. 5. Special contribution and explanation: The special contribution and explanation category refers to manuscripts specially requested by the Editorial Committee of the Journal for a predefined content and scope.

Chapter 4 (Author’s Qualification)

There are no restrictions relating to authors’ qualifications. The Journal’s publication fee may differ according to the corresponding author’s membership status in one or more of the Three Societies.

Chapter 5 (Preparation and Submission)

The manuscript should be prepared in MS Word and submitted via the online submission system (http://submit.jrpr.org). The manuscript should be submitted with a cover page, a written consent on copyright transfer, and an author’s checklist for submission. The cover page, the written consent on copyright transfer, and the author’s checklist should contain the following items:

  1. 1. Cover page: manuscript title, information on the authors and the corresponding author (name, affiliation, address, telephone number, and email address), manuscript type, etc.
  2. 2. Author’s checklist: Completed checklist with the signature of the corresponding author.
  3. 3. Consent on copyright transfer: the signature of the corresponding author to confirm the consent of all of the authors to transfer the copyright of the contents in the manuscript to the Journal.

The author(s) are ultimately responsible for the contents of the manuscript. In order to use a table or a figure that has been already published, the author(s) should obtain the consent of the original author or the consent of the publisher, as applicable. In addition, if the author(s) use such a table or figure, they should disclose this fact in the manuscript.

Chapter 6 (Publication Fee)

The current publication fee of the Journal is 60 USD/page. Once the article is accepted, the author-proof version of the manuscript will be generated subsequently, and the publication fee will be determined based on the number of pages in the final version. The publication fee must be paid in order to proceed to the final publication process. The publication fee can be paid online in the JRPR submission system.

The publication fee will be waived if:

  • (1) the first author or the corresponding author of the article is a member of KARP, JHPS, or ARPS,
  • (2) the affiliation of the first author or the corresponding author of the article is located in Korea, Japan, or Australia, or
  • (3) the article was invited by the Editorial Board of JRPR.

Section 2 Specific Guidelines

Chapter 7 (Language)

Manuscripts, including all tables, figures, captions, and references, must be written in English.

Chapter 8 (Paper Organization)

Papers should follow the order indicated below. The cover page should have the page number 1, with each of the other sections starting on a new page.

  1. 1. Cover page
    The title should be brief and clear and properly represent the contents of the article. Write the name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation(s) under the title. The name of the author should be written in full (e.g.: Gill Dong Hong; John Michael Smith). Write the given name (first name) first, with the middle and family (last) names following. For the contact information of the corresponding author, write the zip code, address, telephone number and email address. If necessary, the author can add ① ‘This work was presented at ~’ and/or ② ‘This work was supported by~.’ Finally, provide the running title, which will be shown at the top of the printed pages. The running title should be a phrase no longer than 60 letters.
  2. 2. Abstract, key words
    The abstract should be less than 300 words. It should be organized in 4 paragraphs covering the research background, materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusion, respectively. The research background should include the purpose of the research. In the title, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (excluding prepositions, articles, and conjunctions). The number of key words should not exceed 6. Capitalize the first letters of the keywords.
  3. 3. Introduction
  4. 4. Materials and Methods
    Describe the study plan, subjects, and methods, in order. If the focus is placed on an experimental method, specify it to the extent that a reader of the paper can reconstruct the experiment. In preparing the manuscript for the review process, do not specify any information that could reveal the author(s) or affiliation(s).
  5. 5. Results and Discussion
    These two sections generally each stand alone, but may be combined.
  6. 6. Conclusion
  7. 7. References
    ① References are limited to those cited in the manuscript. List them in the order of citation in the manuscript by following the reference format below. Use Arabic numbers in square brackets to represent citations in the same line of the text.
    ② All authors’ names should be given, except where there are more than ten authors, in which case, only the first, followed by et al., should be given. Names are written with the family name (with only the first letter capitalized) first, followed by the initials with no periods between or after them. Follow the SCI representation method for the abbreviation of the journal title. If you are unsure of the correct abbreviation for a journal title, it is best to leave the title in full.
    ③ For citing from a journal, a book, a report, or a conference proceeding, references should be given in the following form:
    • Journal: author’s name. title. journal name. published year (or date); volume (No.): page numbers.
      e.g.) Lee HC, Shin WG, Park HY, Yoo DH, Choi CI, Park CS, Kim HS, Min CH, Validation of energy-weighted algorithm for radiation portal monitor using plastic scintillator. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 2016; 107:160-164.
    • Book: author name(s). book title. number of edition. location of publication. publisher. published year; page numbers.
      e.g.) Eisen HN. Immunology; An introduction to molecular and cellular principles of the immune response. 5th Ed. New York NY. Harper and Row. 1974; 406-407.
    • Report: full name of institution. title of report. number of report. issue year; page numbers.
      e.g.) International Commission on Radiological Protection. Protection of the environment under different exposure situations. ICRP Publication 124. 2014; 10-11.
    • Conference proceeding: author’s name. title of proceedings. conference name. location of conference. presentation date.
      e.g.) Kim JH, Kim YS, Lee HS, and Kim CH. A study on construction method of deformation vector fields for continuously deforming 4D voxel simulation. The Korean Association for Radiation Protection Autumn Meeting. Seoul Korea. October 23-25, 2015.
    ④ The phrase ‘(in press)’ is used for a paper that has been accepted for publication but is not yet published. The authors are encouraged to include information on doi if it is available.
    ⑤ Provide any unofficial material or information which is not commonly available for readers in footnotes, not in references.
  8. 8. Tables and Figures
    Be sure to write tables and figures (including captions) in such a way that readers can understand them without referring to the text (if necessary, provide sufficient explanations in captions or endnotes). Ensure appropriate font size and line thickness in charts, considering reduction for printing (most figures are reduced to 1-column width from 2-column width). For tables, vertical lines should not be used unless indispensable. The titles of tables should properly and clearly represent the contents. Explanations for figures should be written in full sentences. Excluding articles, prepositions, and conjunctions, the first letter of each word in table titles should be capitalized. Only the first letter of the first word in figure titles should be capitalized. Each figure and table should be printed on a separate page in the manuscript.

Chapter 9 (Required Formality)

  1. 1. Manuscripts should be single-side printed on A4 paper (210 mm×297 mm) in double-spacing (200%). Leave at least a 25 mm margin on each side. The font size of the text should be 10.
  2. 2. Expression in the first person is allowed, but the third person is preferred.
  3. 3. For the symbol of element, either AX or X-A is possible (e.g., 137Cs or Cs-137). The symbol of the elements should be used consistently in the text. Or writing a full name of element (e.g., cesium-137) is also available, if it is used in the manuscript consistently. Even though AX has already been used in the manuscript, the full name of element should be used when it comes to the first word of the sentence.
  4. 4. To use abbreviations, provide the full names initially, together with an abbreviation in parentheses; subsequently, it is permitted to use only the abbreviation. Note, however, that the Abstract is separate from the main body of the paper in this regard; that is, in both the Abstract and the main body of the paper, abbreviations should be identified by their full names on first mention.
  5. 5. Use Arabic numbers and SI units. Put a space between the unit and the number.
  6. 6. For very large or small decimal numbers, use a superscript on the upper-right side instead of E (e.g., 2.58×10-4, not 2.58E-4).
  7. 7. Follow the CBE scheme for footnotes. Use superscripts (*, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, # in order) on the upper-right side. The font size of endnotes should be 8.

Chapter 10 (Manuscript Correction)

If acceptance for publication of a manuscript is confirmed following the peer review process, the Editorial Committee will send the author a manuscript correction checklist. Within 2 weeks from the sending date, the author should correct the paper following the checklist and submit a revised manuscript along with the checklist as signed by the corresponding author.

Contact info on inquiry: Managing Editor (email: managing.editor@jrpr.org)
Submission address: http://submit.jrpr.org

Title page
Manuscript template
Author Checklist
Copyright transfer
Author's Index
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Journal Impact Factor 0.6
Editorial Office
#319, Hanyang Institute of Technology Bldg., 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-2-2297-9775   Fax: +82-2-2297-9776
Email: managing.editor@jrpr.org
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